Tuesday, June 24, 2014

On Wednesday evening, June 25 at 7:00pm, Dr. Nichole McMindes will be in the library for her presentation entitled, "Everyday Greatness: Small Steps to Great Health".  She will be showing us how to slowly and properly work towards a healthier lifestyle.  It should be an educational as well as an entertaining discussion.  Just sign up in the library or call us at 924-2637.  Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

We're gearing up for the first Adult Summer Reading Program at the Victor Free Library.  The rules are simple:
1.  You must be 18 years or older
2.  Sign up using the Summer Reading link found on the left side of this page
3.  Read ANYTHING you want and record your time in hours on the Summer Reading page
4.  Once you log 10 hours, you're eligible to win a prize at the library
5.  You can win another prize once you reach 20 hours of reading
6.  If you log 30 hours of reading, you'll be eligible for our grand prize drawing
7.  A written review of what you read is appreciated, but not required.  If you choose to write a review, you can keep it as simple as a few sentences, or as detailed as you'd like
8.  Most importantly, have FUN reading. 

Questions?  See our FAQs link on the left.

The Summer Reading Program runs from June 30 - August 8.  Sign up will be the week of June 23.  Why should kids have all the fun?!